Our company, which started the production of grafted walnut and almond saplings since the early 1990s; It is among the first in its field with its stable and high quality production that it has maintained until today. The first priority of our company in the production of grafted walnut and almond saplings; the saplings are free from all kinds of diseases and pests and the varieties are true to the name and comply with the standards. Based on these basic principles, we make great contributions to our country's economy by producing 300,000 grafted walnuts and more than 100.00 almond saplings with open roots and tubes and marketing them both domestically and abroad.
The land structure of our producer, who requests seedlings, is examined by our technical staff, the most suitable walnut and almond varieties for the region are determined, and technical support is provided both before planting and in the periods after planting. Our company follows the developments in these types closely.
In this environment, it is very important that walnut and almond production, which is the most profitable fruit growing investment today, is made with the highest quality and standard varieties demanded by domestic and foreign markets. , Şebin and Yalova varieties.
In almonds, late flowering Ferragnes, Ferraduel, Lauranne and Tuono varieties and Nonpareil, Texas (Mission) and Carmel varieties that we recommend for temperate regions.
* We help you choose the most suitable sapling for your region when choosing the sapling and its variety to plant,
* Since we produce our saplings ourselves, we keep our prices reasonable,
* We prepare the necessary documents for you to receive government support,
* We carefully pack your sapling orders and deliver them to you at very reasonable prices with cargo companies,
* We help you plant your saplings and ensure that you get the best yield in the future.
Our customers are valuable to us, the reason why our customers who shop with us once, always choose us again for many years:
“We never send a sapling to our customers that we do not consider worthy of our own garden.” Let us help you, you can reach us by phone at any time…